Identification of Carpenter Ants
Have you seen ants in or around your home, but aren’t sure if you have a Carpenter Ant problem?
Identification of Carpenter Ants can be difficult, which is another reason Eco Tech recommends seeking professional help in identifying your pests and removing them from your home. Termites and Carpenter Ants look and act similarly. Carpenter Ants have large, dark-colored bodies, narrow waists and instead of straight antennae like a termite, have elbowed, or bent antennae. If the ants you see are one of the castes of ants which have wings, the set of wings farthest from the ants’ heads will be obviously smaller than the set of wings closest to the ants’ heads. Termites have a broad waist and equally sized wings.
There are many different “castes”, or types, of Carpenter Ants, such as the queen, workers and males. Since any of these three castes of Carpenter Ants look differently from one another, and many of these ants look and act similarly to termites and some other types of ants, it is imperative to seek professional help when identifying and removing the ant infestation.
At Eco Tech, we offer a free consultation to diagnose the ant situation in your home and can begin immediately with our organic treatment of the infestation. Eco Tech, your green, clean pest control solution. Call today for your free consultation.
(763) 785.1414; (952) 881.6662