Box Elder Bug Exterminator
Boxelder bugs are common pests over much of the United States. Adults are about 1/2 inch long and are bright red or black with red lines down their back. Box Elder bugs are a common insect found in Minnesota and are often a common problem, especially during the spring and early summer.
These insects feed primarily by sucking juices from the box elder tree, but are sometimes found on other plants.They do very little damage to the trees they attack, but at certain times of the year they can become a nuisance. Box elder bugs develop by gradual metamorphosis, from egg, to nymph, then to adult. Adult box elder bugs enter homes and builders throughout the year trying to find shelter. They are small and can fit through small cracks, under windows and around the foundation. Oftentimes you will not even realize you have an infestation because they will lay quiet throughout the winter until the sun comes out and they come out to soak up the heat.They will then emerge in the spring to seek out host trees on which to feed and lay eggs.
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Spring is just around the corner and, along with blooming flowers, green grass and warm temperatures, you can also expect to see more insects in and around your property. Ants, spiders, roaches, bees and wasps are some of the most common pests that homeowners in the Minnesota area must deal with. Eco Tech is a natural pest control service that serves the Minneapolis area, offering organic pest control options that are safe for you, your family, your pets and the environment.
Boxelder Bug Removal Minnesota
While most Minnesota residents welcome the fall with open arms and a rake, a few of our little bitty residents scramble to find warm air and protection from the cold winter. Their ½ inch long body leaves its original nesting area in the trees and struts it’s black body with orange or red markings into all sorts of different cracks and spaces around the home.
Box Elder Bug Exterminator Ramsey MN
Box Elder Bugs are notorious for invading homes, especially when the temperatures dip. You likely recognize the box elder bug as the red and black bugs that are about one half inch long that can really stink if they are smashed. They seek shelter in protected locations indoors (like inside your home) to survive cold temperatures.
Box Elder Bug Exterminator Ham Lake MN
Have you seen an influx of those colorful but still creepy looking bugs entering into your home in the early spring or late summer months? They are typically dark brown or black, and decorated with a splash of red wing veins and markings on the abdomen.