One of the many benefits of living in Minnesota is that while we are in the midst of a long winter, we get a break from insects. Insects are less active in winter, but it is important to remember that many species spend the winter reloading and preparing to do what insects do during the warmer months of the year. Unlike insects, Ecotech is active all year round, and we work to ensure that your home is protected from whatever insect species may have designs on moving in with you this spring.
Common Insects In Minnesota
There is no insect species that we cannot remove from your home, but some of the more common insects in Minnesota are box elder bugs, silverfish, grubs, fleas, spiders, and of course the nesting species of wasps and bees. All insects serve various purposes in our shared ecosystem, but none of them should share our immediate living space. If you have cats and/or dogs who spend time outdoors, you could find that your flea and tick treatment does a fine job of protecting the pets, but also that a few of those little creatures escaped the flea and tick treatment on your pets and began living their best lives in the fibers of your carpet. Most people can make progress toward ridding their homes of fleas using store bought products, but it takes a service like Ecotech to ensure that the pests are thoroughly removed.
You might have found a wasp nest last year and believed you were successful in removing it from its location perilously close to your back door. It is actually more difficult than most people think to completely remove a wasp nest, and in not completing the process of removal, inadvertently creating the ability of wasps to reestablish the nest in the same location in the future. Our technicians have the training and experience to clear your home of all remnants of previous wasp nests, and ensure that they have no opportunity to reestablish the nest on your home or property.
Insect Prevention And Management
Ecotech recommends taking advantage of our insect prevention service, but we also recognize that many homeowners do not know that they have an insect problem until it becomes too big for them to handle on their own. Once the problem needs handling, Ecotech becomes the clear choice. Call us at (763) 785-1414 anytime!