Wasp and Bee Control MN
Bees and Wasps swarming in a tree in your garden or around your home can be unnerving, especially if they establish a hive near your house.
People who are not familiar with bees often have a fear of them because of their ability to sting. Swarming bees are generally not inclined to sting provided they are left alone – but the following precautions should be taken. Getting rid of these pests can sometimes be fearful, especially if you are allergic. A large nest may mean an attack and stings on you or other people in the area.
- Listen for buzzing indicating a colony or a swarm of bees
- Look for bees flying back and forth in a straight line.
- Use care when entering sheds or outbuildings where bees may be established.
- Examine work area before using lawn mowers, weed cutters, and other power equipment.
- Do not disturb a colony or swarm-contact a professional.
- Teach children to be cautious and respectful of ALL bees.
- Develop a safety plan for your home and yard.
- Be alert when participating in all outdoor activities.
If you see bees entering a structure, it is an established hive regardless of how many or few bees are outside the hive. Most often when a swarm takes up residence in a structure, it goes unnoticed for the first year (or longer). This is because a new hive is very inconspicuous. It will only have a few bees coming and going every minute and is very easy to overlook, especially considering that bees build no external structure to their hive (as yellowjackets do).
Bee & Wasp Control and Nest Removal
Do not attempt to remove a swarm yourself; swarms that have established in homes should be destroyed by a professional pest control expert.
Have you got a dangerous beehive near your home? Call us today! Hiring a professional Minnesota pest control expert can mean safe and efficient handling of the wasps and bees.