Fleas are an inevitable reality when owning pets such as cats or dogs, yet when caught early they can often be easily controlled. If you detect fleas in your home, take immediate steps to prevent an infestation – fleas feed on blood so should never be ignored! EcoTech, a pest-control service located in the Twin Cities, can provide effective pest-control service solutions.
Your first line of defense against fleas should be to keep them from entering your home in the first place. One simple way to reduce their number is keeping the grass cut short and trimming back bushes; this reduces their hiding places and decreases flea numbers in your yard. Also important: keep wildlife away from your property: feral cats and possums can bring fleas into your property by leaving food and water out, sealing crevices in your home and using sunlight and moving air currents against them.
Interior treatments for your home: Your home must be thoroughly cleaned to rid itself of fleas. Vacuuming should be performed regularly in every corner of your house; if your vacuum bag contains fleas, be sure to discard it regularly; hardwood and tiled floors should be swept or mopped as soon as possible, while all bedding for your pet should be washed in hot water before placing back inside its original case.
How To Prevent Future Flea Infestations
To keep fleas off your pet, the best way is to use tick and flea treatment every day. Flea collars may provide extra protection when outside, especially if you live in areas with an abundance of fleas. Be wary if there is evidence of fleas such as constant itching, nibbling, or flying insects around. Consider purchasing flea repellent in both your yard and home for additional defense against fleas.
Eco Tech’s flea control service has proven itself and will allow you to once more enjoy your home. Contact our team 24/7 at (763) 785-2141 for a complimentary consultation session.