A pest-free home will have a clean, well-maintained environment. As the temperatures rise, insects begin to swarm. Spring is the best time to clean up areas that are most vulnerable to pests. To prevent potential bug infestations, you can use this spring-cleaning list:
Interior Spaces
● Check for expired/open food in your kitchen cabinets. Open boxes of goodies can attract hungry pests such as ants, Indian meal moths and stored product beetles. Dry food such as pastas, baking flours, and cereals should be kept in sealed containers.
● Make sure your areas are clean and tidy. More hiding places for bed bugs like bed bugs. Some pests like silverfish will even eat paper and cardboard. Plastic totes can be used for storage. You should immediately get rid of junk mail and cardboard boxes. You should also remember the spaces that are often overlooked, such as the corners of storage sheds or garages. You can encourage guests to leave by cleaning out those spaces in the spring.
● Keep your house clean: Identifying pest problems early is the best way to prevent them from getting worse.
Exterior Spaces
● Seal gaps/Close: Repair broken screens, cracks near windows or missing door sweeps to stop unwanted pests entering.
● Check your crawl spaces for pests: Some wood-eating insects and insects love moisture. Hire a professional to inspect these areas for you if you don’t want to venture out into the dark.
● Remove standing water: As soon as temperatures rise, standing water can become a breeding ground. To stop pests from laying eggs, keep water flowing in the bird bath, fountain and pool.
● Clean up water in your yard by walking around the area.
● Clean gutters. More standing water means more mosquito breeding potential. To prevent pest development and water damage, keep your gutters clear of your home.
● Exterior walls can be power washed: This eliminates any buildup of mildew and dirt that could attract pests.
● Do not use pine straw or wood mulch on exterior walls. Termites are fond of pine straw and wood mulch because they create a comfortable, warm environment. Instead, use gravel or rubber mulch.
● Prune bushes and shrubs: We recommend keeping bushes and plants at a safe distance from your home. Clean up fruit trees and trim the vegetation. Many insects and ants love the natural sugars found in fruits, so make sure that they don’t come in direct contact with your exterior.
Although spring cleaning and home maintenance might not be your favorite project, it will reduce clutter in your home and allow you to take advantage of the warmer weather. These steps will help you identify a potential pest problem and prevent it from getting worse or costing you more money. EcoTech can help you if you suspect any type of infestation or need to conduct a thorough inspection. They use a 17-point inspection to inspect the house for potential pest entry points. These numbers are available in the Twin City metropolitan area. Schedule an appointment online or call (612) 386-1289 ● (952) 881-6662 ● (763) 785-1414.